Friday 30 May 2014



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【芳香療法養生功】,乃全方位的自然養生保健系統,由澳大利亞美容健康專家BHS公司(Beauty & Health Specialists Group)研發,並於公元20134月首次向大眾推出。該套功法首創芳香療法與養生功相結合,涵括對人體胃、腎、肺、小腸、心、肝、脾、三焦、大腸等臟腑的保健,由全球功夫之星36強之一的中華通備武學第七代傳人牛虹光先生,以及擁有澳洲、英國、瑞士三個國家資格證書的高級芳香療師、輔助療法按摩師、高級美容師、澳大利亞化妝品藥劑師協會會員、澳大利亞傳統醫藥協會會員林文女士共同創編。西方流行的芳香療法與東方傳統的養生哲學的有機結合,將引導您步入時尚的精油文化殿堂,品味傳統中醫、中華武術的真髓,以達到身心靈的全面健康。


拳势急如雷电、摇摆翻飞、闪来闪去的令对手眼花撩乱、防不胜防;一般常以双拳密如雨、脆快一挂鞭来形容翻子拳之快速紧密、连环炮动。 雙拳密集如雨,又像鞭炮一般,全套一氣呵成,勁道講求脆、快、硬、彈。
六大开、八大招为技术核心,套路有八极小架,八极拳(单练称八极拳,对练又称八极对接)、六肘头、刚功八极、八极新架,八极双轨等。器械以六合大槍、對札六合大槍為主。器械以六合大枪、对札六合大枪为主。 其勁道講求崩、撼、突、擊、挨、戳、擠、靠以及「撞靠勁」「纏捆勁」。其劲道讲求崩、撼、突、击、挨、戳、挤、靠以及「撞靠劲」「缠捆劲」。特點為動作簡捷、長短相兼、發勁訊猛、撞靠捆跌突出,肘法疊用,下盤穩固。特点为动作简捷、长短相兼、发劲讯猛、撞靠捆跌突出,肘法叠用,下盘稳固。

所有課程的設計,旨在於促進身體和心靈的全面發展。通過訓練每一個人都可以變得更加 身體健康,靈活健壯、精神集中、自律與自信。生命充滿著各種各樣的挑戰,我們相信,接受過專門訓練的人,在面對生活中的逆境時,會以更加平和的態度、更加自信地去接受生活中的挑戰。
視頻:武術初步1 拉筋法 Kung Fu Basic 1: Stretching Exercise 








靈活的訓練計劃 聯繫電話:0431 448 668

Thursday 29 May 2014

Introduce to BHS Martial Arts For Health Centre and The Aromatherapeutic Kung Fu For Health DVD

BHS Martial Arts For Health Centre
It is mastered by 7th Generation Ma Family Tongbei Quan Master Niu Hong Guang. It's aim is to offer teaching and mentoring services through it's institution to Tongbei Martial Arts Practitioners and Enthusiasts from all over the world.
Our program is designed to fully develop the body and mind. People of all ages can become physically fit, strong and flexible as well as mentally focused, disciplined and more confident. Life is full of all kind of challenges and we believe that people are better prepared to handle adversity in life when they have been trained in a way that teaches them to face these challenges with calm and with confidence.

Aromatherapeutic Kung Fu For Health, is a complete range of natural health care system, developed by Miss Wen Lin and Mr. Hongguang Niu. It was first introduced to the public in April 2013. Combining aromatherapy and Chinese Martial Arts, the set of the exercises covers the health of the human stomach, kidney, lung, small intestine, heart, liver, spleen, triple burner, colon and other organs, in order to achieve the holistic physical and mental health. 

Master Richard Niu's Competition Clip   
Excerption: Exercise For Liver Health will help you foster the positive emotions of approval, contentment and forgiveness, and helps to balance liver and gall bladder function. 
Excerption: Exercise For Kidney Health is designed to help for a variety of kidney problems and overall maintenance of kidney and bladder health. 
Excerption: Exercise For Small Intestine to help stress reduction, supporting good intestinal bacteria, and promote better blood and lymph quality. 
Excerption: Exercise For Large Intestine is designed to improve the elimination process, promote healing of the lining of the colon, reduce inflammation, and promote a healthy flora balance. 
Excerption: Exercise For Stomach Health  with deeply calming and physically soothing essential oils, thereby producing an overall balancing benefit to your stomach.
Excerption: Exercise for Heart Health can be very helpful for a variety of heart problems and overall maintenance of your body health.  
Excerption: Exercise For Spleen & Triple Burner aids & strengthens the spleen, tonifies and regulates the Qi, and harmonizes the Mind. The ability to interfere positively with fat metabolism makes it a good possible choice against cellulite and excessive weight.
Excerption: Exercise For Lung Health to support the respiratory, immune, circulatory, endocrine, digestive, and nervous systems. 

The Aromatherapeutic Kung Fu For Health DVD is on sale now, for only AU$19.90, you can start to exercises in your convenient time at your comfortable home. The DVD last about 100 minutes.

Tai Ji or Tai Chi Quan is considered to be one of the internal styles of Chinese martial art, and is the most widely practiced martial art in the world today. The term "Tai Ji" refers to the ancient Chinese cosmological concept of the interplay between two opposite yet complementary forces (Yin and Yang) as being the foundation of creation. "Quan" literally means, "fist" and denotes an unarmed method of combat. Tai Ji Quan as a martial art is based on the principle of the soft overcoming the hard.

Fanzi Quan, or Tumbling Boxing, is a style of Kung Fu that stresses the combination of external and internal strengths and energies. It is also known as Bashanfan, or Eight-Palm Boxing, because of its eight major flashing movements that are executed as fast as lightning. The movements in Fanzi Quan are varied and continuous. 

 Master Richard Niu Shows Fan Zi Quan - Zhan Zhuang Fan

Baji Quan, or the Eight Infinite Fist, is a direct style of Kung Fu that teaches the student to defeat an attacker with one single technique. It originated in the villages of Cang County in the Hebei Province of China. Based on the Cang County Historical Records, the founder of this style of Kung Fu is Wu Zhong. According to their records, Wu Zhong learned the art from two Taoist monks named Lai and Pi. Bajiquan’s external appearance is rather simplistic while the usage of internal body mechanics is quite sophisticated. It is characterized by being practical and powerful. As a close range style, Baji Quan uses all eight locations of the body to deliver cruel and painful strikes. The eight locations of the body, head, shoulders, elbows, hands, feet, buttocks, hips, and knees, are trained to their extreme perfection. The practitioner of this style would approach an opponent from a long-range position and close to a body-to-body contact distance. While getting closer to an opponent, the eight locations of the body are continuously employed in all directions, and every technique becomes faster and more powerful than the previous. Baji Quan is a very fierce and ruthless style of Kung Fu. 

Master Richard Niu Shows Baji Practice 

Tong bei quan, or through-the-back fist, is among Chinese fastest and most-viscious martial arts. The instructor Niu Hongguang is a seventh-generation master of Tong Bei Quan. Tong Bei Quan has a big name in China because of its distinguished fighting efficiency and complete systems both in theory and in training. It is highly acknowledged and  widely regarded as one of the most effective combat systems, because of its devastating speed and delivery. Featuring an emphasis on whipping power, as well as sideways entering and evasive tactics, tong bei is extremely difficult to defend.

The course is taught with step-by-step instructions of every action. There will be group training as well as working in pairs to assist learning.

 What you can learn:

  • Highly evasive footwork
  • Powerful palm strikes
  • Snake like body movements
  • Lightening fast combinations
  • Distinctive circle walking training methods

What benefits you will get:

  • Reduce Stress & Anxiety
  • Learn Relaxation Techniques
  • Increase Energy
  • Promote Deep Levels of Circulation
  • Lower Blood Pressure
  • Improve Mood
  • Develop Strength, Balance & Flexibility
  • Improve Focus and Concentration
  • Manage Stress by learning to Remain Calm even when faced with Adversity
  • Loosen the Body making you Less Prone to Falls and Injury

Our Philosophy

We believe that real martial arts were designed to stop the fighting, both within and without.

Not for violence, but for peace.

Not to beat down, but to build up.

Not to compete, but to work together for understanding.

Not for tournaments and trophies, but for discipline and respect.

To master the mind, by training the body.

Flexible Class Schedule. Contact: 0431 448 668